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A Brief Intermission

Hello there.

I’ve been publishing monthly on my blog for over a year now and although I didn’t want a break in the cadence, it needs to happen.

This month has been busier than ever before, and I think an update for readers is a nice gesture :)


In addition to projects and life outside of work, a particular blog post is taking up much of my time, (by choice). It’s a heavy, loaded topic that requires much consideration and energy, of which I plan to publish in April, (possibly May).

Between projects, pitching, attending (online) events, and family life, I’m choosing to not wear myself out and just be real with y’all when my cap on time has been reached.

So for the month of March, I’ll say that I hope the sun is shining down on you! That winter is fading, you’ve recovered from Daylight Savings and had a fun St. Patrick’s Day!

P.S. I CAN'T WAIT to share this next blog's gonna be juicy!

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