After months of researching and slowly compiling here and there, I am very excited to release my Conscious Fashion Directory!
What once started out as a personal list of conscious fashion certifications turned into a rough questionnaire, turned document, turned spreadsheet, that eventually evolved into a much more user-friendly (and gorgeous looking if I don’t say so myself ;) free, downloadable PFD!
Brands, independent designers, employees, and freelancers:
Whether you’re a start-up looking to create but not add to the negative impacts of fast fashion,
Or you’re a freelancer whose clients have questions about which nonprofits are out there,
Or if your an employee in the fashion industry who is willing to speak up and share ways the design department could make just one small change,
This directory is a wonderful reference for many components of the conscious fashion sector that can lead to a positive change!
For individuals:
This is a great way to become more educated! In time, I’d like to release a separate directory that will be much more of a guide about becoming more knowledgeable of conscious fashion, fast fashion, and more thoughtful ways of interacting with clothing. For now, please reference Sections 3: (Buying Resources) and Section 4: Involvement.
This directory is not just a list of fashion and textile certifications but also:
Educational Programs
Sustainable Fashion Conferences
Conscious or Sustainable Fashion Blogs
Tech Software Programs
Non-Profit Organizations &
If you head on over to Instagram I've tagged the bloggers I wanted to individually thank. These ladies share fantastic content and are truly making a difference in this industry.
If your brand needs help sifting through all these resources to
Enhance your business
Become more transparent
Implement more effective software
Educate your customers
Expand into philanthropic ventures
Explore waste reduction programs
I can help you get there!
The directory is available to download through the Home tab, What is Conscious Fashion tab and Contact tab :)