When the term "sustainable fashion" comes up, most people think of organic fabric, š§µ the environment, šor air pollution, š« and not so much on the employee šš½ or financial aspects šµ of the industry. Or they filter it as a buzzword similar to "organic," or "all-natural." Which is why I have mixed feelings about the term. š¶
It also demonstrates why the term "sustainable fashion" has lead me to educate myself on more environmental and materials topics rather than garment worker rights or financial agendas. šš
I have a lot to learn about how we got here but I think the word sustainable stuck because people started realizing the fashion industry can not grow indefinitely the way that it has with no consequences, i.e.- the way it currently operates is not sustainable. š It will not work long term (for decades and decades and generation after generation). š
I care about every aspect of this industry- š environmental impacts, consumption practices, human rights & employee well-being, financial interests, and overall transparency.
What is the best term or phrase that demonstrates that I focus my time and energy on making changes in the apparel industry across the board?
I'm pretty bummed that @consciouschatter is already using the word conscious but I feel that truly is the best way to describe my intentions and thoughts on the matter. š¤ We as humans are not perfect so we cannot expect our endeavors to be. But we need to make an effort. We need to be more aware and thoughtful of our consumption, become more educated on how the industry operates and how employees are being treated. How we are leaving our environment and what companies are or aren't telling us.
Many words come to mind while in this sector of the fashion industry such as thoughtful, ethical, circular, slow, fair, sustainable, responsible.........conscious.
We need to be more conscious. š
