For this month's blog post, I contemplated what specifically in conscious fashion I wanted to speak to, but if I’m being fully honest, it’s been difficult to focus on.
Blogging is still relatively new for me, but when I started, I decided that every now and then I would talk about not only the fashion industry overall but how I work in the field. (Seeing as I don’t work in a traditional 9-5 office setting). My work is remote and for me, that means working from home or wherever I like…with great wifi and a comfy chair… at various hours, with and sometimes without kids.
“Mompreneur” life as it is sometimes called.
Many other women have this setup and we, (at least IMO) collectively enjoy glimpses into how others structure their days or what a day in our routine would look like.
The last I published on the subject was in February during my trip to Seattle, Washington to visit my sister and brother-in-law, as they just had their first baby.
But even as I write this post now and will post it later today- I’ll probably continue debating about whether or I should have shared how my “mompreneur” life has been lately.
Cause honestly, it’s been a rough couple weeks.
This June our almost 12-year-old dog, Rosy passed away. Needless to say, we’ve all been grieving and have been taking time to reminisce, remember, and get used to a new normal. We still have our other dog, Waldo, but as any pet lover knows, it won't be the same.
What does this have to do with conscious fashion? Nothing. But it does relate to my daily working life.
Again, people aren’t here to read about a personal event of some random person on a tiny corner of the internet but I guess I feel it’s pertinent to share within the context of the “mompreneur” life for a few reasons:
One- we’re all human and we all have to take a break when life happens. I’ve been feeling extremely grateful for the freelance life because it means I can press pause when needed (which is only possible with my husband's support- thank you, babe). And we’ve definitely needed to press pause. I have improved in balancing work & home life, despite them existing in the same vicinity, but I’ve had to remind myself that breaks are necessary. We’re not robots.
The “mompreneur” life means that work is naturally divided up during the day with interruptions here and there. And with every abrupt bark that Rosy let out, I often joked that whoever thought working from home was more productive was kidding themselves. Rosy did, at times make it more difficult to work from home but she also provided much love and comfort to a sometimes lonely working situation. But yes, if any other working-from-home moms out there are curious about my personal routine- Rosy was of course an integrated part of my day, a member of our family. Reminding me to take breaks and get a short walk outside. I couldn’t stand the barking but right now, I’m missing it, along with her sweet disposition and loud thuds.
Another reason I thought to share this personal event, is because I think it’s a good reminder for folks in the conscious fashion space. How? Well, a lot of us in this space are so passionate about changing the industry for the better and educating others that it becomes easy to forget that we are asking people to care a great deal. I believe the causes and mission I pursue every day are worth caring about but there are many, many other worthwhile philanthropic areas. And even though everyone wears clothes every day, (therefore by that logic…? Everyone should care to a degree?)...People have their own stuff going on. Not everyone cares about clothing. Not everyone cares about making better clothing choices or the industry itself. People are focused on other things in their lives- whether that be a personal pursuit, high demand job, relationships, other stressors, schooling, or facing difficult seasons in their lives. And when tough things happen in your own life- I think it’s a reminder that although obvious- there are other things going on for everyone that deserve time and attention.
I may look back and cringe or regret including such a personal event on my professional platform, but I believe everyone needs a reminder that we are all human and all need to take some time outside of work to take care of ourselves. Grieve, rest, play, engage with others, write, feel or cry. Remember to take a break. I wouldn’t doubt you’ll find perspective and clarity.
