In the last post, I shared my experience with new secondhand store PreLoved here in Utah.
If you didn’t catch it, hit your good ol’ back button and click "Secondhand Spin" before reading this one :)

Here's the update on how much I ended up making as well as my overall thoughts.
Total made: $21.65. Not great but not horrible.
I really had no idea what to expect. It's a new business model and as the first of its kind in Utah, I needed to be educated about the process.
The ROI was low which could have been for various reasons;
It was their first week open, (at that location).
It’s still a new concept
They are in competition with other local stores that have been there for much longer, (Uptown, Kid to Kid, and Plato’s), so it’ll take a while for people to hear about them and see them as an option.
After looking at other kid booths, I thought that the types of clothes I brought weren’t…..trendy enough hahah. IMO, my booth was more along the lines of stuff that Kid to Kid would take, rather than higher end items. A learning curve on my part.
All in all, it was a cool experience :)
A bummer that I ended up losing money with the purchase of the tags, but again, it takes time for new concepts to get established. Maybe I would have made money with a different assortment or if it wasn't a new location.
Overall, I think it’s a really innovative idea for the secondhand clothing market and that PreLoved does has an upper hand over established players-
No waiting for hours to sell
No sorting through racks and racks of stuff that’s been there for too long, (& that you may have already seen).
A higher-end assortment of clothing
The chance to keep more profits
A much more personalized experience, whether you’re buying or selling. I got the chance to chat with one of the owners and can attest to their passion and integrity. They really are so sweet and truly care about people and bettering this world. In my experience, you don’t get that at the other secondhand stores.
The next time I’m in need of selling, I'll try again and if I'm in need of buying.....I'll for sure be there :)